Denne boksen brukes hvis du har analoge givere som du ønsker å koble til et SeaTalkng nettverk. Hastighetsgiver, Dybdegiver, Vindgiver, rorvinkelgiver kan kobles til enheten.
iTC-5 poden kobles direkte til et SeaTalkng nettverk. 40cm tilkoblingskabel (Spurkabel) følger med.
The Raymarine iTC-5 converts analogue transducer signals used in i70, ST70+ and ST70 instrument systems to SeaTalkng. Transducers for Speed/Temperature, Depth, Wind and Rudder Angle can be connected to the one iTC-5 unit, eliminating the need for multiple ST70 pods. Extended STng systems can support multiple iTC-5 units. SeaTalkng connections at the base of the unit simply connect the iTC-5 unit into the SeaTalkng backbone.
Please note the ST40/i40/i50/i60 and ST60+ displays cannot calibrate the iTC-5. Only the i70 has full transducer calibration. The ST70/ST70+ can calibrate the Depth, Wind and Speed/Temp transducers (not Rudder or Compass).
If you don't have an ST70/ST70+ or i70 in your system, then the ST40/i40/i50/i60/ST60+ displays must be interfaced directly to the relevant analogue transducers